From what we get, we can make a living; what we give, however, makes a life. ~ Arthur Ashe
Donor Recognition

We would like to recognize Mr. Jerry and Mrs. Clara Josephs who have loyally donated to Project KIND every month for the last few years. Because of their generosity, PK has been able to continue assisting uninsured children obtain much needed services at no cost to their parents. Thank you Mr. & Mrs. Josephs for your monthly contribution and for believing in the work we do.

Thank You!

Team hands stacked one on top of each other

It is necessary to fundraise on a continuous basis so we never have to turn a child in need of healthcare services away. Through partnerships established in the community of Riverside and surrounding cities, Project K.I.N.D. has been the recipient of local grants awarded to nonprofits serving the community. It is because of the generosity demonstrated year after year by our partners that we successfully assist one child at a time impacting their lives and giving them an opportunity to be successful in life.

Project K.I.N.D. would like to recognize and thank the following partners for their commitment to the program and for believing in the mission of our organization.

For the past few years, Project K.I.N.D. has been a grantee of Kaiser Permanente, Riverside. With their support we have been able to pilot a child obesity program, expand our volunteer provider network, expand PK services to additional school districts, increase the number of children served and reduce public health risks.
Riverside Community Hospital is committed to sponsoring Project K.I.N.D. quarterly with a monetary contribution. RCH understands there is a need for “No Cost” services in our county and as a way to address the uninsured issue, they support and believe in the mission of Project K.I.N.D. By increasing the number of visits PK coordinates, we are reducing the number of level 1 primary care Emergency Room visits.
Every school year Project K.I.N.D. receives financial support from the school districts we serve. On a daily basis, Districts Nurses and School Health Clerks face the challenge that a sick, uninsured student presents. From needing glasses in order to see the board to needing medicated shampoo to treat a lice outbreak, Project K.I.N.D. has the resources available to provide relief. Students no longer have to suffer dental pain, attend school with bronchitis or go without an inhaler for their asthma.
Over the years, Project K.I.N.D. has been a recipient of donations made by community members, in memory of a loved one and continues monthly contributions made from families outside of Riverside County. Every $30.00 received helps a child obtain an eye exam, lenses and new frames of their choice.

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Transforming Lives through Your Generosity: